Is Healy Device bioresonance therapy beneficial?

Healy Device Bioresonance is premised on the idea that sick cells or organs generate altered electromagnetic radiation as a result of DNA damage, for more go to Yogitimes.


Proponents of Healy Device bioresonance believe that identifying these waves may help diagnose sickness and that returning them to their normal frequency can help cure it.


Electrodes are implanted under the skin and linked to a computer that "says" the energy waves emitted by the body in order to use resonance. This is how a diagnosis is made.


The device could then manipulate certain energy frequencies, allowing the body's cells to pulse at their "natural frequency," thereby curing the condition.


What is the status of Healy Device bio-resonance therapy?


Bioresonance therapy is reported to be capable of detecting and treating a wide range of health issues. Here are a few examples:


Overtraining syndrome in fibromyalgia, smoking cessation, stomach pain, allergies, and related disorders such eczema and asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer fibromyalgia


Is Healy Device bioresonance therapy beneficial?


Bioresonance's usefulness in detecting and treating health issues has yet to be proven. The study we found related to its use, however, is given below.


Smoking cessation


In a 2014 study, resonance was compared to a placebo as a smoking cessation therapy.


After one week of Healy Device therapy, 77.2 percent of resonance group participants stopped smoking, compared to 54.8 percent of placebo group participants.


The research also revealed that after a year of Healy Device treatment, 28.6% of patients in the resonance group had stopped smoking, compared to 16.1% in the placebo group.


stomach pains


Bioresonance has been used to relieve stomach pain. This medication was shown to be useful in reducing stomach pain caused by a particular sickness in one experiment.


Allergies and their consequences


The use of resonance to treat allergies and related disorders like eczema and asthma is one of the most well-studied areas of bioresonance therapy.


In this area, there has been some controlled (placebo) and uncontrolled (observational) study.


Controlled studies are often believed to be of higher quality than uncontrolled trials since they may compare treatment to a placebo.


The results of controlled studies on whether resonance may assist alleviate allergies have been mixed or unfavorable.


Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the joints.


a few different forms of research


Resonance may aid with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by modulating how antioxidants operate in the body, according to Trusted Source.


These antioxidants fight free radicals, which might aid RA sufferers in reducing tissue damage. However, there has been no systematic study of bioresonance's effectiveness in the treatment of RA.




Some users believe that resonance may activate tumor suppressor genes or diminish the effect of hyperactive cells, both of which have the ability to "kill" cancer.


On the other hand, most cancer-causing genetic changes are permanent. Furthermore, no research has been conducted to demonstrate that resonance therapy is effective in the treatment of cancer.




According to one study, Trusted Source compared bio-resonance therapy and point massage to manual treatment and point treatment without resonance treatment for the treatment of fibromyalgia.


While both groups improved, the bio-resonance treatment group had a 72 percent decrease in muscle pain compared to the control group's 37 percent improvement.


There were also improvements in sleep issues and weather sensitivity.


Athletes that suffer from overtraining syndrome

Overtraining syndrome, often known as burnout, happens when an athlete does not completely recover from training and competition.


It might lead to:


Injury after injury leads to weariness.

fluctuations in mood

Sleep disturbances cause changes in the resting heart rate.

According to one study published by Trusted Source, resonance may help with overtraining via:


calming the sympathetic nervous system and restoring a normal heart rate and blood pressure (your flight or fight response).


More research is necessary.


Resonance has been found to have favorable effects in various studies, as previously indicated. However, these studies only include a small number of people, and the analysis is limited.


In addition, the Federal Trade Commission has successfully sued at least one person for making "unsubstantiated" and "potentially harmful" claims regarding resonance's capacity to cure cancer.


According to ASA, which governs advertising in the United Kingdom, "none of the effectiveness claims for bioresonance therapy have been substantiated by research."


According to the majority of healthcare professionals, bioresonance cannot detect or cure medical disorders or diseases. Furthermore, in the best of times, there is no clear evidence supporting the use and use of resonance.

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